Wealthy Affiliate Platform Review 2023 – Turning Passion’s Into Full Time Career’s!

Have you ever wondered how you can transition into the online world?

Affiliate Marketing

When I saw other people doing this, creating beautiful websites, and making money promoting thousands of products and services on their website I was intrigued.

I loved the thought of being able to create a website that I owned, that would enable me to express myself, and be able to share my experiences with others.
As I was doing some research to find courses that could help educate me on the subject, I came across the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and what I learnt along the way was incredible!

In this article I will take you through a guided tour of the training platform at WealthyAffiliate.com.

In my opinion its one of the most complete packages that you can find today, if you looking to create an online business.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money?

In my opinion, the answer is yes!

When I look into something that requires me to part with my hard-earned money, I make sure that whatever I’m spending it on will give me a return that is much more value than what I spent on it. WealthyAffiliate.com had all the things that I needed and more, to start my journey online.

The reason that I decided to sign up at WealthyAffiliate.com, is because its an all in one package. You literally don’t have to go anywhere else.

Even if you don’t know a thing about creating an online business, that’s alright too, because you will be guided step by step through the training, which is updated often. You’ll also have access to over 1000 mentors, and a community of over 1 million strong, that really cares about your success in the online space.

You don’t even have to go searching for website hosting, because your subscription comes with fast secure state of the art hosting.

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Here is a summary of WealthAffiliate.com

  • World Class Training, with step by step tutorials.
  • Over 1000 mentors who have achieved success in many areas of digital marketing space.
  • Fast reliable Servers with strong security features.
  • Your websites are duplicated so if one server is down, the duplicate takes its place and therefore there is no downtime.
  • You can buy and register your own domain within the platform.
  • Access to great support if you’re having some issues.
  • A community of over a million strong who you can get inspiration from.

And the list goes on!

Which Package Should I Choose?

There are 3 tiers that you can choose from, and ill go through them now.

The Starter Package

You can get started for FREE with this one, and not even have to put in your credit card details! I would recommend this one if you want to familiarize yourself with everything WealthAffilate.com has to offer.

You can sign up to the starter account which gives you access to one free website, and Level 1 of the core training to get you started on your online site.

What I love about this is that you can practice writing, while learning step by step how to get your first website up and running. You’ll also have access to a great keyword tool called Jaaxy, and will discover the advantages to using one. The value that you receive from the FREE Starter package alone is incredible.

I’d suggest that if you’re not sure about this platform, you should sign up anyways and give it a try, risk free.

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

The Premium Package

  • 10 Premium Websites
  • All the Core Training Modules
  • Up to 250 000 Monthly Visits

Once you have enjoyed navigating the platform, learning a lot from the training, and created a few great articles yourself you may just feel like you want to go deeper. You want to learn all their is to know about the online marketing world. In premium, you get all the training modules. You are also able to how 10 websites, and the ability to buy your own domain, therefore you will own your own piece of online real estate. You’re hosting will enable you to potentially handle 250 000 monthly visits which is amazing! The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Package unlocks all of this and more.

The Premium Plus Package

This is the same as the Premium Package, with great extras like

  • Many More Expert Classes to learn from – Great Value For Money Just On The Extra Expert Classes!
  • Advanced website and hosting package
  • 50 Premium websites
  • Up to 1 000 000 Monthly visits.

You certainly don’t need to go Premium Plus to be very successful, because Premium on its own is an excellent package. When you consider though all that you get with Premium Plus, it will be difficult not to want to upgrade.

Click Here To See The Full Comparison Chart Side By Side.

Can I Only Make Money Reselling Wealth Affiliate?

You may have heard that a lot of these programs make their money only buy their customers reselling their same platform, and that’s as far as it goes.

With WealthyAffiliate.com this is not the case at all. This is but one way to that you can create a great income from this platform, because you receive a nice commission from promoting it.

This is not all its good for though, not by a long shot, because Wealthy Affiliate is a true affiliate training and hosting platform. You can therefore do anything that you want to do with it.

Many very successful people at Wealthy Affiliate have created incredibly successful online businesses, in many fields. You actually never have to promote Wealthy Affiliate platform if you don’t want to, and you have the freedom to go into any niche that you choose.

An example is if you’re into the Health Niche, and you learn to research and write about great ways to stay fit and healthy, then you would find some great online products to promote to your readers.

If you gain trust with your readers, and they really like what they discover on your website, then you both win. Your readers purchase this great product that you’re promoting that they weren’t aware of, and you benefit by receiving a commission for the sale when they click on your affiliate link.

Do I Need Previous Experience To Do Well At Wealthy Affiliate?

No you don’t need any previous experience to do well with the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, because the training in well laid out from start to finish. Most of the training that you will find are accompanied with very descriptive videos that walk you through the process of exactly what you need to do. If you by chance get stuck anywhere within the training, there are many ways to reach out and get help from either the content creators or community.

You Don’t Have To Be An Experienced Writer To Start Either

With anything in life the more that you practice the better you get at it. The same is said when it comes to writing, and I’ve found in my own experience that the more I write the better I get at it.

You Are Never Alone On This Journey

My favorite thing about joining this community, is that I never feel alone on my online journey. I know that if I encounter any road blocks along the way there will be others that I can ask for guidance along the way. This platform and community keep growing all the time, and If you ever decide to that you want to continue this journey from the free starter account to the Premium account then I will also be there for you as your support coach.


Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal if you are looking to make an impact online. You’ll have the potential to create any business that you can think of. You’ll have all the resources that you need to make it a great success all in one package.

You’ll have access to experts in the industry, and community member that really care about your success.

You really have to just see it for yourself and give the Free Starter account a try, because you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Hopefully you will take a leap of faith, and ill see you on the other side when you Signup With Me.

All the best

Luciano, AdventurousWealth.com

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