Review Of Wealthy Affiliate University – 19 Must Know Facts Before Buying

Hello adventurous one, welcome to my review of Wealthy Affiliate University. You must be here because you have heard of Wealthy Affiliate, but still need some reassurance that it’s the right place for you to invest your time and money.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a good investment? Are they able to deliver great training and resources that will leave you with the skills to start your own journey within the online world?

This is exactly what I’m going to be covering within in this article. Before continuing reading this article you may want to try Wealthy Affiliate for free.

When you’re thinking about purchasing anything new, like a brand new vehicle for example, it’s a great idea to be able to take it for a Free test drive first. This way it’s easier to see if it’s a good fit for you and your lifestyle. I find that to know if something is good for you, you need to get your hands dirty and try it out before you purchase it.

That said here is your Free test drive of the Wealthy Affiliate University Platform. You will even get me as your support coach, so you’re in great hands.

Now back to the review.

1. What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing training platform that has been in business since 2005. They also have over 2 million subscribers to their training platform, and that number is always rising.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to build niche websites, and you will have the freedom to go in any direction that you desire. They will teach you how to take your niche that you’re passionate about and monetize it, ultimately creating a monthly income for you.

Whether you have never done this before, or have previous experience in this field, there are experts that will help you find your next level of success that you’re looking for.

What I really like about the tutorials are that they guide you step by step, and are really easy to follow. First you learn how to get traffic to your website. When you have a good amount of traffic, then you learn how to monetize that traffic and eventually turn it into a full time income.

2. Where Can I Verify That Wealthy Affiliate Is A Legitimate Business?

For this you can check out Trustpilot. Trustpilot is a third-party platform founded in 2007, with the main intention of bringing consumers and businesses together by creating trust between them. If a business is not legitimate and it’s consumers not happy, you will surely hear all about it from here. See Wealthy Affiliate’s score on Trustpilot for yourself.

From the reviews that you see within Trustpilot, you can be sure that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform that teaches affiliate marketing. There are no false promises, and no unrealistic revenue guarantees. You also don’t see mentors flashing expensive cars in front of you to entice you to buy the product.

It’s a straight forward affiliate marketing platform, that I feel is really great value for money.

Affiliate marketing is a multi billion dollar industry, and according to Kinsta, the current global affiliate marketing size is over $17 Billion Dollars. Affiliate marketing therefore is one of the best ways to monetize your content, and we see this all around. We see this every day when we go online, and when we’re on social media being sold on the things that we’re interested in.

3. What Can I Market And Sell Using The Wealthy Affiliate Platform?

This is totally up to you. In fact what’s great about affiliate marketing is that you don’t even need to have your own products or services to be successful.

With your own products you would have to worry about shipping and customer support, and even though you can apply the strategies taught within wealthy affiliate to achieve this, you don’t have to worry about that.

This is because the most value that you can bring to people through your website, is by connecting them with a product or service that will help them fix a problem that they’re having.

You are helping guide them into making the right decision, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the product that they are looking for. If they like the product or service, they will purchase it, and you will earn a commission because of that.

You can do the same if you have your own products as well, and are interested in a drop shipping business. It’s all about driving targeted traffic to your website that converts.

4. How does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Within Wealthy Affiliate’s platform you will have the opportunity to learn step by step through the course lessons. It’s set out in an order that makes it easy for you to do a lesson, one at a time, and then take the action on what you have learn’t.

In the Introduction you will learn how to navigate the website, learn about the exciting possibilities there are with the powerful features within the platform.

You will also discover how to create a full time income from a passion(niche) that you have. This is something that you have a genuine interest in, or would love to know more about. You will have unique knowledge in this field and would be the best person to share this knowledge with the world.

One of the biggest differences that sets apart Wealthy Affiliate from other platforms is that you can go in any direction that you want to go. You have the ability to promote Wealthy Affiliate and make money that way, but you can make a full time income promoting anything under the sun, and being successful with that.

They will show you how to partner with affiliate merchants, so when you get traffic you will turn that into a consistent monthly income.

5. Where Can I Host My Website If I Sign Up For The Training Here?

This is another feature that I love about this platform. Within Wealthy Affiliate they have the ability to host all your websites. Should you decided to create a free account, as a starter member then you will be working on a free domain.

If you would like to go further with your website and make affiliate marketing a full time business, then you will want to upgrade to a premium account. The advantages of upgrading will be that you will be able to create,.net, or This is will give your website a lot more authority on the internet.

6. So How Many Websites Can I Host On Wealthy Affiliate Servers?

As a Premium member, you can build and host up to 10. Should you decide to go Premium Plus, then you can build and host up to 50, seriously awesome!

7. What If I’m Already Hosting A Few Of My Websites At Other Hosting Companies?

Not a problem because when you move to Wealthy Affiliate, their team will help you transfer all your websites to their servers. When you consider that you have space for up to 50 Websites that you could potentially move, this would equate to massive savings on your part.

Just to give you a reference on how much competing hosting providers cost, that are considered high traffic wordpress hosting providers.

  • Kinsta – Business 3 Plan – $300 per Month, and 400 000 Visits to your website.
  • WP Engine – Scale Plan – $217,50 per Month, and 400 000 Visits to your website.
  • Siteground Cloud Hosting – $100-$240 per Month.

You can check out the hosting at Wealthy Affiliate that goes for only $49 a month. When you consider the Premium option of hosting for that price you get up 500 000 visits per month and 10 Websites. Where can you receive that kind of value for hosting.

8. Can I Purchase Domains Inside Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes you can purchase domains Inside Wealthy Affiliate. The prices range from $14,99 to $17,99 depending on what you buy. You,.net to choose from.

9. What’s The Training Like In Wealthy Affiliate?

At Wealthy Affiliate, you have the choice to take either the Online Entrepreneur certification course or the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

With the Online Entrepreneur course you can pick anything that you’re passionate about, and you will get training on how to monetize that.

With the Affiliate Bootcamp course you will learn how to market the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, and why wouldn’t you want to when it offers so much value to its clients. Also, their commissions are around 50% which is fantastic!

When applying for the free starter account, you will have access to level 1(10 lessons in total). Within the first 10 introductory lessons, you will learn how to best use the platform, and you will learn how affiliate marketing works and have the opportunity to build your own website.

The great thing is that the lessons come with in depth walk through videos, teaching you skills like choosing a profitable niche, creating your website, doing keyword research, and creating great content that converts.

Should you upgrade to premium you will find within the Online Entrepreneur Course that there are 5 phases of training, with 50 lessons in total.

Should you upgrade to premium you will also find within the Affiliate Bootcamp that there are 7 phases of training, with 70 lessons in total.

10. How Do I Choose Between Online Entrepreneur Course Or Affiliate Bootcamp?

Well that depends on what you are passionate about. The great thing is that because you have the option to create more than one website you are welcome to do both courses.

11. Is Wealth Affiliate’s Training Outdated?

If you by any chance searched on Google, you will find some complaints that are saying that Wealthy Affiliates training is outdated. This is not true however, and there is a simple way to explain this.

The internet is evolving all the time, and at Wealthy Affiliate they have archives of these training articles, which means if anyone actively looking for them will find them.

I’ve been here long enough to assure you that at Wealthy Affiliate they pump out the latest training, and expert classes all the time.

These older archived articles don’t make their way into the core content that I discussed earlier.

12. What Can I Expect Wealthy Affiliate Not To Teach?

Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t teach creating Single-Page Websites.

They also wait to teach you about running PPC campaigns right in the beginning of the core training. They rather let you focus on organic traffic for ranking your websites within search engines. This is because you can lose a lot of money easily if you run PPC campaigns, and can’t for some reasons get the clicks to convert effectively.

Being able to convert organic traffic well into paid conversions, will help give you that confidence and knowledge to be able to effectively run PPC campaigns, where your ROI(return on Investment) will be worthwhile.

Wealth Affiliate will help you alone your journey, but they don’t provide a “done for you” system. There is no one that is going to do the work of creating, designing and writing the content for your website. Should you want to be successful in this industry you are going to have to get your hands dirty and do the work.

Later on when you’re doing well however, there is specific training that will teach you how to outsource your work, like finding a writer that you pay to help push out content for you.

13. What Are The Really Important Topics That Wealthy Affiliate Cover In Their Training?

In wealthy affiliates training they cover.

  • Local SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Youtube Marketing
  • Landing Pages
  • E-mail Marketing

14. Does Wealthy Affiliate Offer More Than Just The Core Training?

Even though wealthy affiliate covers a lot in their core training, they offer expert classes almost on a daily basis. This is incredible value, because classes are in video form and are an hour long.

You may be thinking, what if I miss a class? This is no problem because all classes are recorded soon after the live class ends, giving you the convenience to be able watch when it’s convenient for you. Should you do happen to catch them live, you have the ability to open up a chat window, and interact with the expert teacher. You also have the ability to chat with other members who are also in the live class with you.

The expert classes cover a range of topics from beginner to expert, and cover almost every aspect of affiliate marketing you can think of. They can build on topics already discussed in the core training, and also teach topics that are completely new. You will be able to find expert classes teaching topics that are not even taught in the core training.

These classes are amazing, and I learn so much from them! If I have any additional questions on the class seen, I can message the person who gave the class and they would be able to answer my question.

  • In Wealthy Affiliate Premium you get 52 expert classes a year.
  • In Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus you get over 200 classes per year.

Here is an excellent expert class series that I found to be a game changer for me!

15. What Technical Support Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide If I Have An Issue?

In my opinion Wealthy Affiliate’s technical support is one of the best in the industry. Should you have any doubt you can look around at what other people say as well.

The reason why its technical support is so good is because they employ the best technicians in the industry that you can communicate with directly. They are able to help you with any problem within your website on the back end.

Some issues they can help with is

  • Moving your domain’s and website’s from another hosting provider to Wealth Affiliate servers.
  • Your site may be frozen because of a plugin glitch, they will fix that. This happened to me.
  • For some reason you damage your website, they can help you by reverting to an earlier copy.

Usually the support team responds in just a few minutes, I was impressed at the speed of their response.

16. Does Wealthy Affiliate Make You Money And What Is The Timeline?

The answer to this is yes, Wealthy Affiliate does make you money. How much money you will make will be determined on how much time you put into your business.

The best strategy is first to go through the core content. Also, listening very closely to the extremely successful mentors who are the creators of the expert classes. In these classes they share many gems on how they found massive success, and share those secrets with you.

What’s important to take note of is that I, nor anyone else can guarantee or promise that you will make money from this. Everyone will have different results.

There is one thing for certain though, so many other people have made it big in this industry. My mindset has always been that if someone else is doing the very thing that I want to be doing, then I will do that as well. The only difference between me and that other person is that they started this journey before me, and because of that are further than me.

I take others success a great inspiration for my own journey, and you should too.

17. How will Wealthy Affiliate Pay Me Once I Start Earning Commissions?

Wealthy Affiliate will pay you via PalPay, which makes it really convenient. They will pay you on the 1st of every month.

18. Where Can I Look To Find Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories?

Should you decide to join the free starter account, you will be able to go within Wealthy Affiliate and use the smart search function at the top of the page. When you’re in the smart search, you can type in “success stories”. There are a lot that you can read through.

Should you find inspiration in the shared success stories, use that to fuel you in being the next upcoming success story.

There is a saying “Success Leaves Clues”. By following someone that is where you want to be and learning from them, is the quickest and most sure way that you yourself will find success.

19. Are There People At Wealthy Affiliate That Don’t Make Any Money?

The unfortunate answer to this question yes. There are some people that don’t make any money at Wealthy Affiliate.

Why they haven’t succeeded in make money could be from a couple of factors including

  • Not putting in the work needed learn the core content.
  • Content Creation is a critical part of this business model, not doing this will not get your website traffic
  • Giving up because they aren’t seeing results as quickly as they were expecting to see them.

In any business there are always some sort of risk. The important thing to keep in mind is that if you take action, put in the hard work, do it consistently, and does’t give up when you hit a rough patch, then chances are that you will achieve what the unsuccessful people weren’t able to achieve.

Should you have to compare the startup capital of starting a physical business compared to what you have to pay for Wealthy Affiliate that is so much cheaper it’s a no brainer. You will have the least amount of financial risk running an online business because you don’t have to purchase any physical assets like properties or equipment.

Final Thoughts On Wealthy Affiliate University

  • With Wealthy Affiliate, what you see is what you get
  • The training is easy to follow and on point.
  • There are no massive up sells, there are 3 types of membership Free, Premium and Premium Plus.
  • You get 1 Website With the Free Starter Account – you have to go to premium for,.net, or .org domain.
  • You get 10 Websites with a Premium Account – You get to purchase your own domains, and 52 Expert Classes.
  • You get 50 Websites with a Premium Plus Account – You receive everything with 200 expert classes per year
  • Help is always at hand with their great Tech support and large community of experts.

Should you have any questions about something within this article please let me know.

My advice again is to give the Free Starter Account a try before you commit to anything. That is truly the only way to decide if this is something that you want to move forward with. There is no better time than now to take advantage of this great opportunity, and I hope to see you on the other side.

I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do.



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