Is Working Online Worth It? – Explained

Working online is becoming more and more common today, as people are learning that there are so many benefits to working from home, or anywhere for that matter. Technology like laptops, smartphones and fast internet, are getting better and better all the time making all of this possible. There has never been a better time to start working online than now.

So in short, yes I do believe that working online is worth it. Keep on reading and discover if it’s worth it for you!Working On Your Laptop

Making Money Online From Anywhere In The World

This is one of the best reasons for transitioning to working online as your source of income. With over 5 billion people having fast internet around the world in 2022, there are endless amounts of opportunities of online work available! This number also continues to increase every year. I believe there will come a time not to far in the future when everyone will be connected, and everyone will have the opportunity to make money online from anywhere in the world if they choose to do so.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working Online From Home


You are in full control of your work hours – This is great if you want to work with some flexibility. Maybe the thought of working a 9AM to 5PM doesn’t appeal to you anymore. I love the fact that I can choose my hours that I can work within a 24-hour day that suits me best. This gives me a happier work-life balance.

You will find yourself being more focused and less stressed out – This is because you will have far fewer distractions, no one to disrupt you while you in the middle of an important task. The best part about having no distractions is that you’ll be able to complete more work in the same amounts of time, giving you more time to do the things that you want to do.

You won’t have to drive to and from work in traffic – I don’t know about you, but driving to work in peak hour traffic was no fun for me at all. It’s also a huge waste of your time, and costly on fuel.

I really enjoy being able to get up, have a cup of tea or coffee and start working right away.

If you work for yourself then you never have to ask your boss for leave – It’s nice to know that if you choose to work for yourself, and want to take some time out to do whatever you want to do, you can do exactly that. Maybe for example a travel special comes up, and you really want to jump on that opportunity to go to that exotic destination last minute that you have always dreamed of going. Now you can!

Maybe you’re a parent that wants flexible hours so that you can spend more time with your kids, and be able to be there when they need you.

Your boss might be nice enough, and let you take that last minute leave, but chances of this being a problem are good. Working online for yourself will give you that freedom to go wherever and whenever you like.


Working from home can challenge your work-life balance

As much as working from home can improve your work-life balance, it can also be difficult to set fixed goals for yourself. You want to be able to complete a certain number of tasks in a day, and then stop for the day. Its too easy to just keep on working and working without taking some personal time to relax.

You will need to have a computer or laptop, and a stable internet connection

You probably already have these things, and that will be more than good enough to do most of the online jobs that you will be doing. If you don’t have some kind of computer and internet connection, do some research to find the hardware that suits your remote working needs.

There is no one to push you

This is what I found to be the most challenging obstacle when working at home. I was the obstacle!

Not having someone on my case the whole time pushing me to complete my work in a certain time meant that I had to be the one that pushed myself. It’s so easy to just end up telling yourself that you’ll get to doing the work, and then not actually getting to the work. This is why having daily and weekly goals are so very important for being productive.

You can feel isolated being away from your work team

When you work in an office environment, you have the opportunity to talk to your work colleagues. You get to collaborate with them, bounce ideas off each other, and learn new things. It’s more difficult to do this when you’re working alone from home.

With technology these days, and fast internet, it’s not really a problem anymore. It makes it so much easier to connect with people, even if they are on the other side of the world. It’s a great idea then to set up weekly virtual meetings with your work team-mates and catch up on how their week went

How To Work Online At Home or Anywhere – Productivity Tips

Create A Daily Routine

You are the only person that will be pushing yourself to get work done. It doesn’t nececerally matter when you get tasks done, as much as getting them done. Setting daily goals that have to be completed before you go to sleep at night, will help you work harder.

Track your progress and performance

If you can measure your performance in some way, then there is a way that your performance can improve. This is a really important factor in creating success when working for yourself.

An example would be, if you would like to write 5 blog posts a week. You would have to then make sure that from Monday to Friday that you complete one blog post a day. If you do this it will help you keep on track and achieve the goals that you set out to achieve.

Find Someone To Hold You Accountable

If you can measure your performance, and also report your progress to someone else, then your rate of improvement accelerates much more quickly.

If you can find someone who has your best interests at heart, like a family member or a good friend, then you can ask them if they will be your accountability partner. You can let them in on your daily and monthly goals, and ask them to check in once a week with you and ask you to show them that you have in fact actually hit all your goals for that week.

It’s easy today to sync your calendar with your friend so that they will get a reminder, and will be expecting your call from you to tell them that you have hopefully reached your goals.

If you haven’t reached your goal for some reason, then you will have to try to catch up.

You can even go so far as having an undesirable penalty in place for not meeting your weekly goals. By doing this you are way more likely not to slack off.


Working at home has many great benefits that I feel out way the disadvantages. Working online is the future, and it’s an exciting one.

If you love the idea of working online and want to learn more, with me as your Support Coach, you have the opportunity to sign up for Free Hosting, and Beginner Training Here.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

All the Best


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